Singing Guide: Miguel Angel Guerra

Singing Guide: Miguel Angel Guerra

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Miguel Angel Guerra is a Mexican tenor with a unique voice and technique. He is known for his exceptional control over his high range, producing a perfect falsetto, and his unique interpretation of romantic songs. In this article, we will outline the steps to learn singing like Miguel Angel Guerra.

Vocal range test:

To start, take our Singing Carrots vocal range test. This will help you determine your vocal range and find out which songs are suitable for your voice type. Make sure to bookmark the page to check your progress.

Breathing exercises:

Guerra's high notes require exceptional breath support. Therefore, start by practicing the Farinelli breathing exercise to expand your lung capacity. Then move on to the breath support and breathing basics to control your breath and support your voice.

Voice register exercises:

Miguel Angel Guerra is known for his exceptional falsetto. Learning how to access and control your falsetto is essential to sing like him. Check out his rendition of "Nadie," where he showcases full control over his falsetto. To expand the range and control over your voice, try these exercises:

Song analysis:

Miguel Angel Guerra is a romantic singer, known for his unique interpretation of songs. Analyze his songs to understand his vocal style, phrasing, and tonality. Here are some songs to study:

Warm-ups and vocal exercises:

To improve your agility and vocal control, try these exercises:

Additional resources:

For further information, make sure to check out these articles:

To achieve the unique vocal style of Miguel Angel Guerra, start by analyzing his songs and vocal techniques. Ensure that you practice proper breathing, warm-up, and voice control exercises. At Singing Carrots, we provide various resources, including vocal range tests, warm-ups, and educational singing courses, to help you improve your voice. Good luck and happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.